Polkadot bi-weekly Staking Snapshot - 5th Feb 2024πŸ“Έ

Welcome to another bi-weekly staking snapshot.

Minimum Active Bond

The minimum active bond increased by 11.72 DOT (+2.13 %), from 550 DOT to 561.72 DOT. The plot tracks those accounts leaving the bags list every era. Those are the accounts at the tail of the list. More information about the bags list here.

The minimum active bond is the amount of DOT that solo stakers need to have be active, i.e. to be within the "first" 22,500 nominators and earn staking rewards. The number of DOT to ensure that ** increased from 558 to 621.93 DOT**. This is equivalent to the minimum of DOT required to be within the next bag after 561.72 DOT.

Stakers and Voters

The number of stakers increased by 20 accounts (+0.09 %), from 21806 to 21826 accounts. The number of voters decreased by -22 accounts (-0.06 %), from 36428 to 36406 accounts.

Stakers are active nominators while voters are all nominators.

Total Stake per Active Node

The average total stake per active node increased by 57382.72 DOT (+2.34 %), from 2.45 MDOT to 2.51 MDOT.

The variability (standard error) in total stake per node increased by 943.7 DOT (+9.76 %), from 9667.57 DOT to 10611.27 DOT.

Nodes with < 100% commission

The number of nodes available for nomination decreased by 3 (-1.72 %), from 174 nodes to 171 nodes. Nodes with < 100% are those nodes who usually accept nominations and pay staking rewards. The total number of active nodes on Polkadot is 297, which means that 57% of the nodes is avaialble to solo nominators and nomination pool admins.

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