Questioning in the Whirlwind of Chaos! (August 5th - August 11th)

What is up, my friends! The weekly continues to showcase the vast amount of content and news that is being generated through WagMedia. It provides a key reference for those that are new to WagMedia and highlights an evolving community sharing the story of DotSama.

In order to continue the existing path, WagMedia Bounty 12# (6-month Top Up) is up for public discussion on Polkassembly. There has been a substantial amount of interest, with some great questions and healthy discussion. It is important to have open communications as it can help make improvements.

Whether it be in creating content or participating in the discussion, we should all be aligned with the best interest of our enormous ecosystem. As always, please do remain respectful if you choose to participate, and treat others how you wish to be treated.

Regarding participating in the discussion, the post by Csaint resonated strongly as his journey illustrates the profound impact of WagMedia and is something that many can relate to.

The conclusion around building a strong social layer really hits the mark. WagMedia has successfully shown improvement on existing spend and tipping models for content creators, in spite of being asked last minute by the council to take it on.

It is unlikely you’ll see such a unique community-centric approach to content creation in any other crypto community. WagMedia isn’t a brand. Rather, it is about empowering the community to do their part for DotSama!

UPDATE here is the new discussion post that centers around the bounty guidance sheet, and a path to continue prioritizing content creation.


In-browser light clients is a developing feature of Substrate & DotSama, and is an alternative to centralized RPC nodes.  

This past week we saw a significant clamp down in the Crypto World as Tornado Cash (TC) was sanctioned by the US Treasury. In the aftermath, we immediately witnessed Circle freezing USDC on a number of blacklisted accounts, GitHub repository for the protocol taken down, and RPC (remote procedure call) via Infura & Alchemy blocked.

The fallout is still ongoing with exchanges blocking TC transactions, decentralized stablecoins re-considering their USD approach, and most disturbing is the suspected developer being arrested. All of this may make you ponder and give more attention to the need for decentralization and privacy.

So ser, what about DotSama? Phala Network suggests reducing the need for centralized dependencies. This can be done by adopting Phala’s Web 3 decentralized cloud computing network.

Manta Network’s founder Kenny Li makes the case for Polkadot, where you will find the ecosystem’s Privacy & Defi hubs, Manta and Acala respectively, combining to create a compelling privacy proposition with a censorship-resistant aUSD stablecoin.

There is certainly a plethora of offerings available within DotSama, as we also have Subsocial a censorship-resistant social media blockchain platform, decentralized storage via Crust, and more.

DotSama itself is considered a highly decentralized network, it was nicely pointed out by @PJS (last week) when he summarized Polkadot’s strong Nakamoto coefficient standing from a Solana article.

Further enhancing the decentralized ethos of DotSama is the work currently being done on light clients, which provides an alternative to RPC. Here is an epic thread from Rob Habermeier that provides a succinct summary on light clients, and for the low-level technicals here is the GitHub link. Also, did you know that Talisman is currently making strides in powering the paraverse with light clients?

NEWS FLASH (NOTE: this is outside of the weekly reporting window, but too important to leave till next week). In the early UTC hours of August 14th, there was a depegging of aUSD. The culprit for the hack was supposedly caught. However, it turns out that it might not be a hack as Acala called out a misconfiguration issue.

Speed Reading

Basilisk win the 47th Kusama auction with a self-funded bid

Nitty Gritty

Content creation

Lots of news and content about Bifrost's Rainbow Boost this past week!  

Messages From the Treasuries

  • Subsocial and Moonbeam continue to grace us with their wonderful updates!
  • Subsocial releases their July update which includes information on AirLyft integration, improving Sub.ID and some great insight on the UX problem by discussing how we can get Grandma on Subsocial. Pallets have been migrated from the solo chain to the parachain and user data is on its way next! Subsocial also highlights their strength at decentralizing multiple layers leading to less points of failure.
  • Moonbeam announces the retirement of the Mission Control Bot which gave out their Moonbase Alpha Testnet tokens. From here on out, all dev tokens will can be obtained on their website. Moonriver has opened channels between Litmus and Shiden continuing to push interoperability within the ecosystem. Finally, the Moonbeam team has announced the financing of DAM Finance which is a protocol to create purchasing power from cross-chain portfolios.

Crowdloan Updates

Kylin provide an update to their crowdloan

What's in Your Wallet?

SubWallet with quite a few updates

AMA and IRL Events Round-up

Translating DotSama

Some excellent translations and non-English original creations, which you may find fitting to share with family, friends, and neighbors around the world.

NFTs and the Metaverse: The Heartbeat of Dotsama

NFTs this past week features Birb tapes The #43 Saga with Jay on the mic (holding a Ballot box 😉). Youdle DAO ticket can slot into the box. Ku Shiba hitching a ride from the Bitcountry launch update. PhalaWorld's AI spectre is floating around. Spirit key & Squid Squad giveaway. Gromlins thinking of which Substrapunk won the vote. And did you notice the RMRK Interactions (logo on the ballot box)? 

  • There’s now a Twitter bot for RMRK 1 and RMRK 2 interactions.
  • Bit.Country's roadmap is updated, stating that they are currently in the alpha testnet testing phase. Those building out the metaverse on alpha testnet can share an image with the #100metaverse tag to possibly get a reward. Also, their 9th Discovery episode is out!
  • Youdle by Invarch has custom tickets now on Singular with a total supply of 10. Youdle will use XCA (cross-chain authentication) and cross-chain plagiarism protection, and the NFTs grant DAO voting power, reputation, and special access.
  • Governance Participation Rewards Referendum 216 and 217 NFTs have been delivered, and the first four cross equippable NFT's have been recapped. There’s also an upcoming snapshot for the evolution of the "Toddler Dragon". Snapshot occurs August 16th, with requirements.
  • Equipping Governance NFT’sReferendum 187 to Evrloot’s souls can either be equipped on the Soul or on the Referendum Shelf. Both the fist and the vase can be equipped on the same soul, one as a frame effect, and the other as the actual frame. Trakan in evrloot will start in about 3 to 4 weeks. Evrloot tweets on the "Mark of the Elite" which describes the backstory to the fabled souls soulbound item dropped.
  • There may be a possible DPS Ledger giveaway, and the current roadmap can be found here. The Pirate Rental Program on the way.
  • KBL, founder of Kusama Kings and Queens, makes a thread on the journey thus far.
  • Reveal of 3d limited Gold Kusama Dragon.
  • Wagmedia's very own @Jay Chrawnna, artist Elene, have done a collaboration with Birb Tapes.
  • PhalaWorld’s AI spectre shell NFT revealed, with indication that a “box of data” will need to be fed to it.
  • In case you haven't claimed NFT reward from Moonbeam’s Ultimate Harvest. Just connect Twitter with Project Galaxy and you are good to claim.
  • The Substrapunk voting on Unique has ended and the winning Substrapunk will be announced soon.
  • A sneak peek to Planet Neo's Recon leagues game, missions, items & resources, with an update on equip-ables for Planet Neo's DinoxDino NFT holders from their discord. Planet Neo is creating lands with resources to be managed by guilds, and the community has chosen to allocate unsold DinoXDino eggs as in-game rewards in their metaverse game. NFT holders should also check their wallets for airdropped badges.
  • There are 4 more different Ku Shiba pets which can be equipped to RemarkPunks.
  • Filters have been added to RMRK punks. Sort by egg rarity, music author, and equippable slot.
  • The Squid Squad NFT project announced a new giveaway event in collaboration with Talisman.
  • A thread on Moonsama and Pondsama AMA which was held and recapped. The Pondsama website was launched with the ability to link a Moonsama account and interact with your fish pond. @w3n_andr00 is creating a community for playing WOW in a private server for the Dotsama Community. Upcoming airdrop of 3,333 NFT Gromlins to artists and Moonsama/Exosama Community members, the rest launching on the upcoming RaresamaNFT marketplace at 1 $glmr
  • Kusama Ape Club has a new giveaway.
  • Archiverse had a killer week with a 25 KSM sale on secondary. They are soon releasing the next Aztec pyramid models.
  • The Ku Collection is having a giveaway.
  • Ajuna Network officially launches its new website, here’s a link.
  • Kodadot announces a new collaboration with ClownWorldHouse. Learn more about Clown here.

Content creation

And don’t forget the daily RMRK Recaps from @MARI0:

Aug 3, Aug 4, Aug 5, Aug 6, Aug 7, Aug 8


DeFi farms on Solarbeam, Beamswap, StellaSwap, Karura, and more are being tracked by Yield Bay ( StellaSwap introduces aUSD, while Bifrost Rainbow Boost incentivizes. Various Astar dApps coming up with yield opportunities and IDOs. 

Content creation


Governance platforms within DotSama are being used. With Crust integrating with SubSquare, and WagMedia Top Up is being discussed on Polkassembly!

Rumors & Alpha

Do Your Own Research! These finds are unconfirmed alpha in Dotsama

  • It seems that the Exosama server has been compromised, be careful!

Beginner’s Guide

New to Polkadot? Or maybe you have some friends who keep coins on a CEX but haven't become a part of a community yet? Share this with them to get them started! It will be updated weekly with new content and is open for changes. Feel free to leave a comment and I'll add content that's needed.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Dotsama

Another mind-blowing week! Our WagMedia discord is the primary source for most of the content in this newsletter – thanks a ton fam! These are just the highlights, for more in-depth news join the discord and get incentivized to learn more about the ecosystem and provide news, alpha, and content to us all. As always, I’m open to feedback and I hope you find this helpful. Looking forward to yet another week of exponential growth in the DotSama ecosystem.

What is WagMedia?

WagMedia Discord.

Jay Chrawnna’s The Kusamarian channel provides us all with extremely entertaining updates on everything DotSama. Here is the playback listing of the past week:

  1. How secure is the Blockchain? Polkadot & Kusama Weekly News Friday Alpha Dump - SER, Have ya Heard?
  2. Staying Safe when Buying NFTs - Minting 101 - P-Ninja in da' Streets.
  3. Enterprise Grade Blockchain w/ Adoption on Polkadot - Csaint's Alpha Shots.

Looking for more to read, why not check out the other works by the Wag Weekly Squad: Pnin, Csaint, Jb_blah, and Dodow.

Tips appreciated





DodowPost author

Dotty WagMedia Guy

News you need to know to stay on top of significant DotSama developments. Courtesy of WagMedia and Polka Häus


News you need to know to stay on top of significant DotSama developments. Courtesy of WagMedia and Polka Häus