Last Framings by Polkadot - Asynchronous Backing

Polkadot is getting close to upgrade its throughput up to 1000x by adapting the “Asynchronous Backing” before the end of the year. It is gonna be adapted first on Kusama and then on Polkadot.

We have been hearing about it since February. Now, it’s almost there.

What is the fuzz about it?

While dealing block spaces and scalability issues in bull market , the effects of these diminish in bear market . But these issues can only be overcome by developing them beforehand.

This will be the most major upgrade on Consensus Algorithm since it launched in late 2021. Basically; turning Polkadot;

  • faster
  • much more scalable
  • optimized to the needs of interoperability

By, decreasing the parachain block time from 12 seconds to 6 seconds, providing lower latency and faster finality for transactions executed on parachains.

Increasing the amount of block space available to each block by a factor of 5-10 so amount of work every parachain increase as well.

Also allowing parachain blocks to reused so that optimizing network throughput by that.

There was a great discussion recently on a twitter space with Polkadot co-founder Robert Habermeier hosted by Mangata Finance. You can listen in → here.

They were describing the development phases of Polkadot within the waves.

  • 1rd wave -> Parity Tech building the core
  • 2nd wave -> Parachain teams building on it
  • 3rd wave -> Interoperability of Parachains and Dapps deployed on them by pushing limits of the tech

• We haven’t seen 3rd wave builders yet. But it’s here.

• We haven’t experienced XCMv3. Not discovered XCM in unconventional and clever ways yet.

• Haven’t had projects leveraging Parathreads approach.

• Haven’t seen ultimate bridges - Light Client base bridges to other ecosystems. Fully trustless and based on consensus proofs. That means, if asset/info/data doesn’t finalize on other chain, it can’t be bridged over there.

We will be seeing common good bridges to other ecosystems which will truly connect these ecosystems to each other.

So Asynchronous Backing is gonna be there when dam gates are open. With XCMv3, not only parachains; but also dApps & contracts deployed on them will leverage by it.

All of these gonna be last framings of the ecosystem by 1rd wave builders until 3rd wave builders gonna develop, use the tech, test its limitations and feed back to 2nd wave builders.

Then they all together can develop and steward the ecosystem within its needs by using Gov2.

After that we can see a close relationship with other ecosystems. Not just texting, but talking and feeding each other. If you look closely, you can see a convergence already happening down there.

GokuPost author

Coming from a background of Computer Science and Cinematography, I've found my niche in this space, blending technical know-how with storytelling.

Much as films tell stories, blockchains craft their own narratives, complete with innovation, culture, believers and emotions.

In this space, I connect the dots, bridging the gap between technology and story, making it relatable for everyone.

As a filmmaker in real life with a background in computer science, here I am, primarily conducting research in this wild wild space.

Often agnostic in my interests and inquiries, I regularly delve into cross-research, exploring both past and future narratives, trends, and developments in the broader blockchain space.

And in this particular space, I try to connect the dots, bridging the gap between technology and story, making it relatable and digestable for all.


As a filmmaker in real life with a background in computer science, here I am, primarily conducting research in this... Show More