The Subsocial Spacers Have Been Minted!

After the approval of RMRK’s EIPs (allowing the RMRK standard to exist on EVM chains like Moonbeam) and the launch of the EVM version of Singular, The Spacer Fleet has finally arrived!

All Spacer Pods have been opened, and the 10,000 Spacers are now available to view on the Moonbeam network. Items have been minted onto Spacers, but are not equipped by default, though they are viewable in each Spacer’s inventory.

If you purchased a Spacer Pod, your Spacer will now be in your Moonbeam wallet, viewable on the Singular marketplace (make sure to connect your EVM wallet with Metamask or Talisman). To equip your items, go to your Spacer, scroll down and click the View inventory button, where you can click on individual items and equip them. If you try to equip multiple items at once, you will be prompted to approve the Inventory manager, otherwise, you will have to equip one item at a time.

Spacer Squad patches have been distributed, and for everyone involved in Spacer Pod giveaways, or other people promised Spacers for marketing activities, they have been distributed as well.

Next, we will set up the SpacerDAO treasury, investigate if there are any voting solutions on Moonbeam that support RMRK NFTs, and see if we can get some custom filters on Singular (especially for the Spacer items, since there are tens of thousands of them). We are also working on updating the roles in the SpacerDAO Discord server now that the Spacers have been minted.

Thank you everyone for your patience with this long mint. There were a lot of factors involved as we pushed to be the most complex RMRK collection ever released up until this point. Make sure to join the SpacerDAO Discord server and share your awesome Spacers!

Yung Beef 4.2Post author

Content Lead at Subsocial, ChaosDAO Co-Founder

Subsocial is an open platform that allows for the integration of user-friendly Web3 social features into existing applications, or the creation of brand new socially-powered apps from the ground up. In fact, Subsocial's innovative UX solutions make using Web3 so simple, even your grandma can use it!

By providing all of the native features required for creating decentralized social experiences, Subsocial allows developers to focus on building apps, not on re-inventing the wheel, and helps them stand out from the competition by delivering a user-centric social experience.

To learn more about Subsocial and the future of social networking, check out our links:

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