Polkadot Digest 16 Mar 2023

Polkadot News

There have been some questions about Referendum 111. It is important to note that the minimum bond requirement applies only to NEW pools; existing pools with less than the minimum bond will continue to operate normally. https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referendum/111

The Polkadot Icon Set has been released, providing 340 icons that can be used for Polkadot projects. https://twitter.com/Polkadot/status/1636059197912539138

Kusama News

With less than a day to go in the current parachain lease auction, SORA has been in the lead the entire Ending Period. https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Fkusama-rpc-tn.dwellir.com#/parachains/auctions

There are now 16 open Kusama OpenGov referenda. https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Fkusama-rpc-tn.dwellir.com#/referenda

Among these are a Treasury Proposal for “Substrate in Bits”, a series of technical content focused on fixing the “pain points” of Substrate development. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/post/2530

There is a post on Polkassembly seeking feedback for a potential Treasury Proposal for future OpenBrush milestones, to support future development of Wasm smart contracts. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/post/2522

There is a post seeking feedback for a potential fiat on-ramp support Bounty for parachains. https://kusama.polkassembly.io/post/2513

Bill LaboonPost author

Bill's Space

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