A New, Old, NFT Collection is Coming. Blasé Bonobos Space Force 2.0

There's a "new" old NFT collection launching soon on Singular.

With no website, little information to be found anywhere, who is this team, what is this collection, and why does this existing collection have decent volume and a floor holding at 6.55 KSM, and yet months after launch still doesn't have much information about what it is?

Blasé Bonobos Space Force, or BBSF 1.0, was one of the OG collections on Singular.

Voxelle is the man behind the art, and he is perhaps best known for being the man behind the Moonsama skins and models. He began a unique experimental collection on Singular called FLOX, which with his background as a computer vision engineer (detecting and reacting to small aircraft), machine learning neural....stuff, and so he apparently decided to train a neuralnet to recognize facial features and then wrote to python a way to build FLOX boxes that ended up looking like these things:

Since, Jdubs, Gavin Hood, and Voxelle met in Chaos Dao and decided to make a new collection with the basic idea of "monkeys in space".

After mocking a few designs, on launch, the collection sold out immediately and made such significant volume that many people were priced out. So, they made "Mercinary Recruits" that allowed for the low price of 1 KSM, custom made Bonobos. That too sold out.

From there emerged other derivatives such as Sidekicks which they airdropped to holders of "sets", and Specials, which looked like these things and then...things went silent.

You see, during this time, Voxelle was recruited to build with Moonsama. This kept him busy, but it was also a good thing because it seems the team realized that they needed to restart with a clearer vision and plan, and so the plans to launch BBSF 2.0 began.

They remains very little information, but BBSF 2.0 brings on Undergraphic, the 3d wizard and lead designer, to join the team.

The original bonobo designs "aren't suitable for the future", but BBSF 2.0 will be integrated with Moonsama, and all NFTs thus far will have utility in future gameplay, with the core Bonobos having the most utility (compared to sidekick, rockets, etc).

A phase 2 mint is coming soon in which the collection will expand about 3x, and 1/3rd of the collection will be from existing Bonobos with additional benefits to these 1.0 holders.

A website is also coming soon, and "many exciting things are coming for the collection, and...

That's all I have for now.

You can check out their discord here: https://discord.gg/DNsY43pb

And here's a recent teaser on twitter https://twitter.com/blasebonobosnft/status/1483303134894211078?s=21

KSM donations for this article can be sent here: D8WrK1jsFy9zpFwFZStaDTmX32pMZVdwXTm5rt9LsRKBQrz

Big thanks to Jay Wagmedia video for being a major resource to this article, viewable here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiSAI9EXk98

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