DotLeap 94 - First DOT<>KSM bridge

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Polkadot Updates

🔴 ⭕️ Relay Chain

total supply - ~1.23B DOT | staking - 52.4% | parachains & crowdloans - 11%

  • Aventus won the most recent parachain lease auction.

🔴 🏛 Governance

  • Referendum 72, proposing to upgrade the Polkadot runtime to v9270, has passed and the network has been upgraded.
  • Referendum 73, proposing to upgrade the Statemint runtime to v9270, is currently passing with 99% in favor with four days left to vote.
  • The first font funded by the Polkadot Treasury, Unbounded, has been released.
  • Motion 252, to fund the development of Ziggurat, a network testing and stability framework, did not pass. The community and Council are encouraged to leave feedback with the changes they would want the team to incorporate and resubmit after.
  • Motion 253, to fund costs for Milestone 2 of Subwallet’s Web3 Multiverse Wallet, was approved.
  • Motion 255, to fund Milestones 1 & 2 of Kampela hardware signer and key storage, is under consideration.
  • Motion 256 is now up for vote! The proposal aims to kick off the opening of the second batch of HRMP channels between Statemint and the parachains that requested this. These are parachains 2021 (Efinity), 2031 (Centrifuge), 2032 (Interlay), 2035 (Phala), 2046 (Darwinia).
  • A proposal from various ecosystem teams (Astar, Acala, Ajuna, Bifrost, DFG, Efinity, Efficient Frontier, Integritee, Unique, LongHash, Jsquare, Moonbeam, OnFinality, Phala, SubQuery, Equilibrium,Tribe, Web3Go, SubWallet, CESS and Acurast) aiming to organise a Polkadot event during the Token2049 in Singapore to share the vision of Polkadot with the event participants, as well as educate and introduce the broad Polkadot ecosystem and its projects to a wider audience and attract new talent.
  • With nomination pools just around the corner, the Staking Team published a proposal requesting higher nomination limits on Polkadot. More information can be found on the post: the team is here to answer any questions.
  • A coalition of teams proposes to organise Polkadot Summit in November furing San Francisco Blockchain Week: aiming to educate about the latest developments in Polkadot Network. More info, including budget, roadmap and milestones can be found on the post.

Kusama Updates ₑₓₚₑcₜ cₕₐₒₛ

🦅 ⭕️ Relay Chain

total supply - ~12.7M KSM | staking - 54% | parachains & crowdloans - 7%

  • Snow Network won the most recent parachain lease auction.

🦅 🏛 Governance

  • Referendum 226, proposing to edit the Snow crowdloan parameters, did not pass. Note that the ICE/SNOW Network team asked people to vote against this.
  • Referendum 227, seeking to lift restrictions on nomination pools (thus allowing 256 pools and 1024 members/pool), is passing with 95% in favor.
  • Referendum 228, proposing to upgrade Kusama to runtime 9280, is passing with 94% in favor.
  • Motion 533, to cover maintenance costs for—a provider of snapshots for the Polkadot and Kusama networks, was approved.
  • Motion 535, to fund several events during Berlin Blockchain Week Sep. 12th - 18th, was approved.
  • Motion 537, to elect the curator of Bounty 14, was approved.
  • Motion 538, to fund a Polkadot Hackathon aimed at Latin America, was approved.
  • Motion 539, to fund the development of Polkadot-JS Plus, was approved.
  • Motion 540, to close Bounty 15, is under consideration.
  • Motion 541, to create a batch call to generate new addresses on-chain via the proxy.anonymous function, is under consideration.

Note this motion is the first step for a larger proposal that can be reviewed HERE, aiming to experiment with treasury funding to support the 1000 Validators Programme

  • Motion 542, to top up Bounty 3, is under consideration.

⛓ Connected Parachains, dApps, and others

projects connected to the DOT and KSM relay chains

🔗 Candidate Parachains, dApps, and others

projects that are not yet connected to the DOT and KSM relay chains

🌎 Community & Ecosystem

  • If you’re interested in understanding more about Polkadot and its governance, Bill Laboon, Web3 Foundation head of technical education, gave an interview to recently.
  • Parity will be hosting two events at Berlin Blockchain Week on 12 Sep, a Hacker Day and “#BeyondTheChain #1 - The Architecture of Unstoppable Applications”.

🛠 Tools

🌠 NFT Review

A weekly newsletter keeping up with the evolution of NFTs in the Dotsama ecosystem.

Read more

👷‍♂️ Jobs in Web 3.0

Want your ad here? Buy it on Singular.

  • Web3 Foundation is looking for a Technical Educator, Spec Engineer, and Technical Grants Evaluator. Apply here.
  • RMRK is hiring! Check if your position is available.

That's it for this week - I hope this was as useful for you to read as it was for us to write!

Many thanks to Bill Laboon for his daily digest—which helps us not miss some important updates—and Raul Romanutti for helping us ensure that the governance news is accurate.

DotLeap is put together by Bruno Škvorc and gbaci.

Got any links for Bruno for the next edition? Find Bruno on Riot at, on Twitter, or via email at [email protected].

gbaciPost author

Content lead at and lover of $DOT

A fortnightly-ish newsletter about all things Web 3.0 from the Polkadot side


A fortnightly-ish newsletter about all things Web 3.0 from the Polkadot side