DotLeap 91 - 🤯 3B $aUSD wrongly minted...and getting burned

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Polkadot Updates

🔴 ⭕️ Relay Chain

total supply - ~1.22B DOT | staking - 52% | parachains & crowdloans - 11%

  • Anonymous parathread 2057 has won the most recent parachain lease auction.

🔴 🏛 Governance

  • Referendum 70, proposing to increase the maximum number of HRMP channels from 10 to 30, is currently passing by a wide margin with 9 days left to vote.
  • Referendum 71, proposing to upgrade the Polkadot Relay Chain to runtime 9260, has been passed and executed. This marks the 39th forkless upgrade to the Polkadot relay chain runtime since its inception. For more information on how runtime upgrades work and how they can occur without forks, see the Polkadot Wiki.
  • Motion 243, to cover the organisational costs & prize pool for AmsterDOT 2022, was approved and executed.
  • Motion 244, to fund the creation of a Substrate training course and certification, was passed and executed.
  • Motion 245, to elect the initial curators of the Community Events Reward Bounty, was passed and executed.
  • Motion 246, to fund the development of Fido Wallet, was passed and executed.
  • Motion 247, to fund further development and maintenance of OnFinality’s high performance public infrastructure, was passed and executed.
  • Motion 248, to fund the development of YieldBay, is now up for council vote.
  • There is a post seeking feedback for continued maintenance and operation of Polkawatch, a tool for Polkadot decentralization analytics.
  • There is a post seeking feedback for a potential Treasury Proposal for Ziggurat, a network testing and stability framework.
  • There is a post seeking feedback for a potential Treasury Proposal for PolkaWorld operations and maintenance.

Kusama Updates ₑₓₚₑcₜ cₕₐₒₛ

🦅 ⭕️ Relay Chain

total supply - ~12.62M KSM | staking - 52.3% | parachains & crowdloans - 9%

Some validators, likely due to underperforming hardware, have been raising invalid disputes on a regular basis - see Will’s list to make sure you’re not on it, as it will mean slashing going forward.

  • GM Parachain has won the most recent parachain lease auction and has already onboarded.

🦅 🏛 Governance

  • Referendum 220, proposing to open an HRMP channel between Statemine and Calamari, has passed.
  • Referendum 221, proposing to upgrade the Encointer common good parachain runtime to v8, has passed and executed.
  • Referendum 222, proposing to extend the Statemine common good parachain lease, is passing by a wide margin.
  • There is a very detailed discussion on WagMedia’s potential treasury proposal to top-up Bounty #12.
  • There are nine proposals vying for the chance to be the next referendum - you can endorse which ones you would prefer to see voted on here.

⛓ Connected Parachains, dApps, and others

projects connected to the DOT and KSM relay chains

🔗 Candidate Parachains, dApps, and others

projects that are not yet connected to the DOT and KSM relay chains

🌎 Community & Ecosystem

Polkadot Base Camp is designed to support founders across all areas critical to the success of early projects in the ecosystem, from business model, product refinement, legal structuring, token model design, fundraising, liquidity sourcing, to making industry connections. As part of this program, Outlier Ventures is offering:

  • $100k of immediate funding to cover costs
  • Access to Outlier Ventures and our global industry leading network of builders, investors and mentors
  • Tailored sessions with our technical specialists to support design, building, scaling across every area needed to succeed in Web3
  • SubWallet published a DotSama Deep Dive for the first half of 2022, featuring details on financial status, development activity, governance & treasury, and more.

🛠 Tools

  • Polkadot-JS Extension v0.44.5 has been released.
  • Polkadot-JS API v9.2.2 has been released.
  • If you are concerned about an RPC node not supporting your requests, you can run a light client in your browser yourself and interact directly with the chain. Just select “light client” in the Polkadot-JS App, or click here for an example. Substrate Connect is open source (GPLv3-licensed).

🌠 NFT Review

A weekly newsletter keeping up with the evolution of NFTs in the Dotsama ecosystem.

Register here to get a piece of Unique’s Punk.

Read more

👷‍♂️ Jobs in Web 3.0

Want your ad here? Buy it on Singular.

  • Web3 Foundation is looking for a Technical Educator, Spec Engineer, and Technical Grants Evaluator. Apply here.
  • RMRK is hiring! Check if your position is available.

That's it for this week - I hope this was as useful for you to read as it was for us to write!

Many thanks to Bill Laboon for his daily digest—which helps us not miss some important updates—and Raul Romanutti for helping us ensure that the governance news is accurate.

DotLeap is put together by Bruno Škvorc and gbaci.

Got any links for Bruno for the next edition? Find Bruno on Riot at, on Twitter, or via email at [email protected].

gbaciPost author

Content lead at and lover of $DOT

A fortnightly-ish newsletter about all things Web 3.0 from the Polkadot side


A fortnightly-ish newsletter about all things Web 3.0 from the Polkadot side