The third Milestone of Gafi Network Roundup

22nd of November, 2022. A great day to save some special things and write the next letter to announce that the Gafi Network Roundup has reached its third milestone.

This is also the third thank-you letter to praise the Web3 Foundation Grants Program for things they have done for Gafi Network.

Milestone 1 Roundup Recap

Milestone 1 told the player (the end-user) and the game creator (the developer) how Gafi Network got rid of the problems that current blockchain games had, such as transaction fees, network security, transaction fees, and the cost of opening.

Milestone 2 Roundup Recap

There are two key unique features that we have achieved in the second milestone: Sponsored Pool and Gafi-TX

  • Sponsored Pool

This feature is the main service Gafi offers. Gafi Pool provides the Sponsored Pool to provide gamers with other ways to join the Gafi Network. It assists gaming projects in creating their pool and appealing to their gamers.

  • Gafi-TX

According to the principle "Excess of anything is poison," Gafi TX takes the role as a custodian in charge of keeping the Gafi Network balanced.

The Gafi Pool provides extensive features to participants and gaming projects. The Gafi TX will keep that generosity in check. Without Gafi TX, the Gafi Network may be vulnerable to assaults on network security and the token economy.

With respect to W3F Grants Program

Colorless transparent gemstones look more splendid thanks to the dispersion of light, honestly, all milestones of Gafi Network may be completed at the professional level owing to the help of the W3F Grants Program. Again, we want to thank Dr. Gavin and the entire Parity and Web3 Foundation teams; this is truly an ideal ecosystem for all developers.

Overview of the third milestone

As mentioned in the second heartfelt letter, the progress of Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 never put an end to our dream. Gafi Network is now approaching plans for Milestone 3.

There are three features included in this milestone:

  • Gafi Governance — To bring Gafi to a fully decentralized platform.
  • Game Creator — To allow developers to claim Onchain Reward.
  • Gafi Testnet Program — To open Gafi Testnet Program.

What did Gafi do at the third milestone?

Gafi Network Testnet:

Gafi Network Testnet launch with at least 5 nodes

This testnet will primarily be used to evaluate the performance and sustainability of Gafi. Evaluate whether it can determine the configuration of the Gafi chain.

Introduce Game-creator and launched the developer-on chain-reward feature

The main reason for transaction fees, which are a part of every blockchain, is to protect the network against spam attacks. In other blockchains, transaction fees are paid to miners in proof-of-work networks, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. In other proof-of-stake networks, fees are burned, and a portion is returned to the reserve.

The principle behind Game Creator is that a portion of the transaction cost on the Gafi Network will be burned, delivered to the reserve, and given to the Game Creator. This feature encourages game makers and developers to contribute to the ecosystem of the Gafi Network.

In the Gafi Network, 30 percent of transaction fees are given to developers as "developer-on-chain rewards." Stakeholders will decide how much of the transaction fees will go to developers.

More information about the developer-on chain-reward feature:

Gafi Governance

With the new governance mechanism that allows networks to be fully decentralized, Gafi will follow in Polkadot's footsteps, which was proven, to become a decentralized blockchain platform.

What Tends to Come Next?

Gafi Q1 2023

Gafi Whitelist

Following the exclusive features: Transaction Fee as a Service and Free to Play, Gafi Network provides A state-of-art flexible mechanism to deal with transaction fees or even literally allows users to make the transaction with ZERO costs. This powerful functionality can lead to one problem: Spamming

To prevent spamming and the pool from running out of reserve, Gafi implemented the Gafi Whitelist that allows Game Projects to easily set up their Whitelist to support their potential users on their will.

Gafi Whitelist is also the proven case of how the power of Substrate in off-chain runtime, with this mechanism. It helps Gafi prevent malicious accounts, and connect Game Projects and Players.

Gafi membership

Inspired by the marvelous functionality of Web2 Gaming, membership is a perfect way to advance user incentives. By using Gafi's services, users will upgrade their membership level. And of course, the higher level the user achieves, the more benefit will be.

Westend Rococo

This stage is for testing the Gafi blockchain's performance and sustainability.

The necessity needed before Gafi launches The Big Event.


The Web3 Foundation award will give the Gafi team more motivation and tools as we work to build a truly decentralized blockchain platform and show the world what Web3 is all about. Don't miss the boat, subscribe to Gafi's channels to discover more.

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The foundation builds with top-class technologies, architecture, and mechanisms for the next wave of Blockchain-based Gaming.


The foundation builds with top-class technologies, architecture, and mechanisms for the next wave of Blockchain-based... Show More