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Welcome to the November edition of the Substrate Developer newsletter. Let’s dive right in with a quote from Buckminster Fuller:

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

❗️TL;DR and important announcements:

🔦 Community highlights

  • Substrate Seminar will be streaming on Twitch going forward, on the brand new PolkadotDev channel (still in beta for now). Subscribe to stay updated on all the great content we have in the pipeline. You can also easily add all the upcoming seminars to your calendar by subscribing to the Seminar calendar.

There are ongoing discussions to rename Substrate Seminar to something more general. Please join the discussion here.

📆 Upcoming events

  • Zero Knowledge Validator will host a session discussing Privacy on Moonbeam on December 14th (RSVP here)
  • Sub0, the Polkadot Developer Conference, is happening November 28 and 29 in Lisbon (view the program here)

☕️ Technical updates


  • Rococo’s runtime has been upgraded to v9310 and is now closer to Kusama’s, offering even more possibilities to builders. The breaking changes involve the reordering of pallet indices which affects the encoding of calls. Make sure to verify that the implementations and tools you’re working with aren’t affected by these changes and read the PR for a detailed overview of the changes
  • The Rockmine endpoint (previously wss://rococo-statemint-rpc.polkadot.io) has been updated to wss://rococo-rockmine-rpc.polkadot.io
  • One of the Polkadot core engineers has published a forum post on the different runtime testing tools available. If you have feedback on any of the mentioned tools or would like to share your own tools and experience, please chime in!


  • A new signed extension was added to the Sudo pallet called CheckOnlySudoAccount. It ensures that only transactions signed by the sudo account are accepted by the transaction pool – useful for chains going live that want to avoid transaction spamming (#12496).
  • A new defensive trait has been added to frame_support called DefensiveTruncateFrom. It truncates a vec so that it satisfies the bound when passed into a BoundedVec (#12515).
  • A new attribute was added to the pallet macro which enables developers to compile pallets in dev mode. When specified in a pallet using #[pallet(dev_mode)], the macro sets weights to 0 if they aren’t specified and automatically sets a default MaxEncodedLen if it isn’t already set. Please note that this feature is meant for development only, production code will not compile with this attribute. This provides a major improvement for the FRAME developer experience (#12536).

Substrate Node

  • Updates to the runtime API for querying payment info to make it compatible with runtimes using weights V1 and V2 (#12633)

👀 Releases

Visit Polkadiff for a full list of merged PRs into Substrate, Polkadot and Cumulus since the last Polkadot release. For more information on the upcoming Polkadot and Kusama releases, check out this post from the Polkadot forum.

📰 Substrate jobs

Have a look at all the open roles in the ecosystem on the Substrate Job Board.

Got ideas for content you’d like to see in future newsletters? Make a PR to the next edition here – we’d love to include them. ❤️

Sacha LanskyPost author

Developer Advocate | web3 jazz 🎺🥑

The Substrate Developer newsletter provides monthly updates relevant to developers building with Substrate, including features in FRAME; changes in Polkadot and Cumulus; community updates from ecosystem teams; new learning material; and events.


The Substrate Developer newsletter provides monthly updates relevant to developers building with Substrate, including... Show More